Donald O'Conner (aka Cosmo Brown):

Kent Jones (aka Kent Jones), of the Rachel Maddow Show:

I'm jus' sayin'... Vigilance!
Random thoughts, rants, and blurts, with no particular theme
When Rhodes moved to Air America, I tried to listen, but eventually just couldn't take her anymore. Dr. Maddow (she was, amusingly enough, a Rhodes Scholar) is the perfect antidote: No less passionate about liberal ideals, she's brilliant, and tireless in her studies of issues, and brings a focus and rationality to her commentary that's the polar opposite of Rhodes' messy rants.Never let it be said that I don't love to hear myself talk, eh?
Oh yeah, she's really funny, too.
IMHO, the best thing that could happen to Air America is something I can't root for: The return of Al Franken. His show was the highlight of my day, and I miss it constantly... but I fervently hope Al will be busy with a much more important job for some multiple of 6 years.